
data cleansing deduplication

Data Cleansing Deduplication software

how does deduplication work?

A core service when data cleansing is deduplication often referred to as dedupe and similarly data scrubbing. At Data Cleansing Services we offer a quick and flexible data deduplication service enabling us to process your information promptly to find repetitive data present in your files.

Our extensive data cleaning experience means identifying duplicate data doesn’t have to be a time-consuming, manual process.

Data that has been manually updated over a long period of time is a common cause of duplication. As a result, duplicate information about the same customer is stored multiple times.

Incorrectly combined data sets cause problems too, and can require several advanced data cleansing tools to correct the data.

Deduplication types

individual deduplication

deduplication best practices

Using a reliable, accurate data cleansing service on a regular basis is fundamental to the end result. Just as important, however, is the correct data cleansing steps are followed and more crucially, in the correct order.

Cleaning your data at regular intervals will ultimately improve the service you offer customers and reduce customer complaints; however, having an effective data cleansing strategy is key to your success. Would you like to contact your data at individual or household level? for instance.

It is important to think about what you want to achieve beforehand. It will save you time and money also.

In addition, a well thought out strategy can help carefully track customer communication and their responses.

Who are we and how can we help?

As one of the top data cleansing companies in the UK, we always offer the best advice not the most expensive.

In addition to our data cleaning service, we also offer data manipulation, data enrichment, and data suppression services.

With a broad understanding of the direct marketing process we can help you achieve first-rate results. We provide clear and concise reporting broken down by data source or categories.

That in depth knowledge and experience, enables us to provide real insight into data deduplication. Your files will be transformed into a precise set of information and produce better outcomes for your campaign.

Consequently, your information can be processed correctly, safe in the knowledge you will have far more accurate data, rather than an obsolete and dated database.

Stand out from the crowd with our deduplication service

Our Deduplication Software

Developed over many years, our dedupe software is flexible enough for any deduplication project large or small. As a result, the demands of your data cleansing plan are realised and more often than not, exceeded.

Our data deduplication techniques, and flexibility means your end results will be improved while also helping to improve your decision-making process.

Identifying duplicate information, or ‘dupes’ within your contact data file is vital if you are to maintain an accurate data set.

It also helps maximise your return on investment by eliminating unnecessary costs at each of the data cleaning stages.

Our data cleansing dedupe process and advanced data cleansing tools ensure you start your marketing campaign with an optimised data set.

Data integrity and data compliance are much easier to police if data is kept consistent and complete. Above all, it needs precise and careful thought, double checking and if necessary further refinement for optimal data efficiency.

Advantages – Data Deduplication Service

Remove existing customers from new prospect data through stop lists or hierarchy

Give a higher or lower priority for each data source – keep your preferred record

Reduce other

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